Energy: Harmful or Beneficial
Building Physics Simulation to check design performance
As form follows lots of factors, one of the greatest one has to be considered is Energy. Energy distributes on forms as they are exposed to sun light or other energy sources and it’s a designer duty to challenge between its harms and benefits. The idea behind this scenario is to make it work sustainable because as we need it we might refuse it and in this case we need also to reuse it somehow. This back and force movement is always undergoing.
There are lots of projects I actually experienced to have a better solution and a greater qualification by energy. Right when I was working with some of façade engineering companies, moving from choosing proper material and handling the interaction between them and energy sources both sun and wind all toward climate comfort was the question. One of the biggest steps to go through a design process considering energy and environment is simulation. Analysis and simulation help us to know the problem much better and take us to an accurate session when it needs to be constructed or even it has to be checked by experiments if it works or not. In many of these projects I was the analyst or the head of the simulation team. Besides, we used to catch the designing ideas and material selecting by the result of our simulation process.
Isfahan City Center
What if any parameter in design effects on energy up and down through architectural space qualification. In this project the idea behind how much shading should be overhanged was the problem which solved. The project here and other presented in these pictures belongs to the time I was working for