I am an Architect with a little bit of different approach for what I am into it.  How people know me: If any challenges are there, I will be there too. A mind, facing issues by the most integration it could take from Complexities through Simplicity. I believe in spreading ideas toward having a better world for everyone. My main tools to bring this thought in reality is coding and connect different parameters from different factors to bring up qualifications we mainly have not experienced before.

Anyone who are going to come up with special ideas in his mind, has to know about the tools that could make his path much more fun and also guaranteed toward his targets. Here is a brief of how I had my path to where I am standing which also is just a checkpoint. I have no worry about the destination but, the departure is where I try to make it.


Math & Physics
High School2004-2007

4 Years of Math & Physics branch in high school which provides students right before university and also for Engineering Degrees.

Bachelor Degree
Zanjan Uni + Qom Uni2007-2011

2 years in each university and learning from concepts to architectural detailing.

Master of Eng in Islamic Architecture
Imam Reza International Uni2012-2015

We call it Engineering in Islamic Architecture which is all related to functional patterns in what traditional architects used to implement to add qualifications to the spaces from a tiny house to a large scale building. These patterns are related to Energy, Structure, Design and lot more.  

Research Consultant
Imam Reza International University2016-2018

Managing and consulting students through their thesis and their researches beside handling TEAU Group (TEAU: Technology and Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning Group) 

Teaching and Lecturing
University of Qom + Imam Reza International University + Khavaran Higher Edu Institute + Khayyam Uni and ...2016-Present

Technical and Detail Design Course (Qom Uni)

Traditional & Modern Advance Structure (ImamReza Uni, TA)

M.A Design (Khavaran Uni, TA)

Parametric Modeling (Grasshopper)

Algorithmic Engineering (Grasshopper)

BIM and Algorithmic Project Management

Energy and Environmental Design (Grasshopper) 

16 Thesis Both in M.A & B.A. adapted to Interests fields.

1 Thesis in PhD: Transforming Persian Geometry on Free Form Shells.

Energy Analyst

A group of architects working on Energy analysis and Building Physics simulation. 

Integrated Engineering Manager

Alumglass is a company working on facade engineering. I had different type of tasks there: International Communications, Parametric Modeling, Building Physic Simulation (Environmental and FEA) and more but, mainly it was an experience about coordination between different teams by injecting new info and research. I also worked as a in-site facade consultant in large-scale projects. 

Working as a Consultant
Different Companies2015-2018

Consulting different firms for their developing, adapting to edge of technology related to Building Industry and also training their employees to get to know new tools and experiences. Training them how to use new tools for better engineering process. Writing special algorithms for special situations is the greatest part I experienced with these companies which all was related to optimization in design, analysis and fabrication.

Founder, Director of Integrated Engineering Department
Ardaena: Network of Professionals2015-Present

Ardaena is a network based upon sharing skills from talented people. It's all about getting to know newest technologies in architecture and engineering beside developing them. As one of the directors, I am honored to work with amazing people there who are trying to make impossible things possibles. 


Team Managing
Coordinating and Leading
Working with teams in different locations, Experienced directing groups up to 16 people at Ardaena with different expertise in Multidisciplinary Projects.
Research and Development
Defining a systematized thinking to manage teams by being productive within Research-Based Projects all is happening at
Using Python Everywhere! Basically Grasshopper and more.
Take advantage of its speed where we want to power up calculations.
Visual Studio + other IDE
Implementing to have everything together.
AI & Machine Learning Algorithms
Working with on small scale cases: Complex Free Form Structures (Under Developing) + Material Functions within Geometry and Form
Connecting different parameters from each factor to other toward a special qualification. It can be in Structure, design, Energy or what ever.
Take action on connect Hardware and Software toward IoT: Functional Examinations With different Physics' investigations on Materials and Systems
FEA & Structure Analysis
CFD + FEA (Autodesk Series)
Checking the desirable and effective design by less material we can have.
Parametric studies on structures.
COMSOL Multiphysics
Going beyond single phases of optimizing design parameters.
Environmental Design
Building Physics Simulation
Using FEA for Fluid Simulations like Heat, Air, Wind, ...
Energy Performance Analysis
Design Builder, DIVAforRhino, LadyBug Tools + Working with different files format.
Data Modeling and Optimization
Building Information Modeling
Managing through BIM (Used to teach BIM for DPM Courses)
Optimization Algorithms
Special Visual programming for different situation related to handling projects issues.
CAD, Modeling + Drafting
Rhinoceros + Rel.Plug-ins
Using the most it can from Design, Analysis to Fabrication
Grasshopper (Parametric Modeling)
Generate Models based on Engineering and Data
Revit Series (AR, STR, MEP)
Consulting experience on Large Scale projects and get used to working with.
3D Detailing
Using Inventor for detail designing steel structures and steel connections in complex projects.
skp + dwg + ...
The very first things to know