Optimized Decision Making in Design Process
Some might say the parametric architecture has been presenting since computers defined their position beside humans. This is not right while traditional masters had always considered measurements from top to bottom of form, function, and environment. So how we could neglect more than 7000 years of engineering experience and work with material, geometry, structure, and resources. Figure#1 here is presenting a free-form structure tried to be well-defined by its support position using the Genetic Algorithm. Structural elements here have been parametrized fundamentally by specific geometry from Iranian traditional masters, called Girih (we used a specific pattern from what is known as Kar-Bandi they used under the huge domes as the surface divider). The modular Girih based geometry can adapt itself within the force flow to the main surface. We used Karamba3D for applying different load cases to have the behavior of the form simultaneously. All data was being recorded during the optimization process. The output showed how the geometry of Girih can impact on each element pressure and tension stress and how this scenario from traditional parameters had been used by masters are working reciprocally to reduce elastic energy. This is a great example of having structure and geometry integrated.
In Figure#2 all we had was an amazing experience for Mosul post-war camp. The project was defined by Morphotect Group and we took our role as parametric modeler and integrated counselor. Here we had to use a wide range of ideas from urban modeling to cultivation accessibilities for people were presumed to resume their living under the structure where it had to cover their initial diurnal needs. The structure form-finding procedure got done by Kangaroo 2.0 from a separated mesh divided by a residential planning pattern on the ground.
These two examples show that where we integrate factors by their parameters, the concluded design could work much better and covering more functional paradigms. Sometimes these paradigms are dedicated to lifestyle and sometimes they are from physical and materials. In both situations, architecture has to come up with the most integration it could and that’s where parameters and specific qualifications meet. This is how I always try to figure complexities out. I do believe architectural design has to be seen as a way of challenging complicated ideas towards better solutions.